Thursday, September 24, 2009

Other than Medicine

Other than Medicine

I am very......very sorry being quiet for months!! As I progress to another stage of my life, I suddenly realize that there are other important matters other than medicine.

I hope you bear with me because this post has nothing to do with MRCP and medicine.

Yes, I am so happy that I have my second baby, some of you might know that besides medicine, I enjoy a lot of hobbies, I like programming, investing, travelling and of course sleeping.

One afterenoon in my new hospital, I sat down in one of the corner near my hospital and spent 5 min with myself and started to think what I want to do with my life.

For the last 8 years, I spent most of my time in hospital and I worked very hard , after seeing lives and deaths everyday, I actually do not know my destiny. A few years back, there was only one aim in my life- passing my MRCP, but now, what's next??

I feel a lot of us just work everyday and give the patients most of our times, I remember clearly my last holiday with my wife was actually 4 years ago!! Both of us just work and work again because we are so worried that we might not have enough money to raise our kids and for our retirement!

Just want to share with all of you, look beyond, MRCP is just a stop in your life, you have more things to do after your MRCP. Even though you do not pass your MRCP, don't be upset, you might have other better things to do in life than medicine!


powderpani said...

it is my first time visiting this wonderful blog , you do a great job not only in the topic of mrcp but also in the life and the art of dealing with it, god bless you and all your family.
dr usama . egypt

powderpani said...

it is my first time visiting this wonderful blog , you do a great job not only in the topic of mrcp but also in the life and the art of dealing with it, god bless you and all your family.
dr usama . egypt