Thursday, August 31, 2006

Gout in MRCP


I saw this patient during my clinic follow up recently, so I am going to discuss with you about gout today. Gout is commoner than you think. Gout is due to deposition of uric acid crystals in joints. Certain joints are commonly involved such as first toe, ankle and small joints of hands.

Chronic tophaceous gout with tophi!

Clinical Presentations

There are a few possible manifestations of gout. These are,
a) asymptomatic hyperuricemia
b) acute arthritis
c) chronic arthritis
d) chronic tophaceous gout

Physical signs

You may find swollen and tender joint if patient has acute arthritis, you must always consider septic arthritis as your differential diagnosis. Patient may also present to you with chronic tophaceous gout as I have shown you as the images above.

Precipitating Factors for Acute Attack

There are a few precipitating factors for you to get acute attack of gout. These factors are,
a) Trauma
b) Drugs such as diuretics, aspirin ( always a popular question in MRCP, remember hat only low dose of aspirin precipitates gout)
c) Copious consumption of alcohol
d) Dehydration
e) Surgery
f) Infection
g) Food high in Purines
h) Induction chemotherapy for certain cancers such as leukemia


Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are available.
a) Diet and lifestyle changes
b) Drugs such as Allupurinol, Probenecid. Remember that allupurinol interacts with Azathioprine and cyclophosphamide and increases the toxicity of these cytotoxic drugs ( VERY popular question in MRCP!)

Gout Vs Pseudogout

Remember that pseudogout is acute arthritis resulting from the release of calcium pyrophosphate ( deposited in the bone and cartilage) into the synovial fluid.
Gout /Pseudogout

More severe and short lasting / less severe and longer lasting
Usually first toe involved/ mainly the knee
Negatively birefringent/ Positive
Needle shape crystal / Rhamboishape
No calcium deposition / Ca deposition on X ray

Tips for MRCP

1) Remember that allupurinol also can cause Steven Johnson syndrome!
2) Related post, click here!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Popular Drugs in MRCP (7)

Popular Drugs in MRCP- Methotrexate

Today I am going to discuss with you with another popular drug in MRCP. Methotrexate (MTX) is a folic antagonist and also a dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor with potent immunosuppressive activity.

MTX is used in a lot of autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis , vasculitis such as Wegener’s granulomatosis. Certain types of cancer and even in ectopic pregnancy!

Common side effects

Nausea, vomiting
Mucosal ulcer
Lung fibrosis

Remember that other drugs that can cause lung fibrosis are amiodarone,bulsuphan, bleomycin, nitrofurantoin, hydralazine.

Tips for MRCP

1) Side effect of MTX that is commonly asked in MRCP is lung fibrosis and hepatotoxicity.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Good Luck To All!

Good Luck!

Hi, For those who are sitting for their MRCP (UK) and MRCP (Ireland) Part 1 soon, good luck to all of you! You can do it, just remember to have a good sleep before your exam and stay calm in the examination hall!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Rheumatoid Arthritis in MRCP


RA is a type of autoimmune disease mainly involving joints. It leads to chronic inflammation of joints. However, candidates must remember that it is a multi-system disease that might involve other organs as well such as skin, eye , lung and cadiovascular. More female are affected with a ratio of 3:1.

Clinical Presentations

Majority of patients present with small joints pain. However, patients may have systemic symptoms such as fever, weight loss and fatigue.
Some patients may have eye symptoms such as red , painful eye ( due to scleritis and episcleritis)
There is possibility of lung fibrosis
Patients may have neurological deficits due to alanto-axial subluxation or mononeuritis multiplex.

Physical signs

Classical hand deformities are Z deformity, Swan neck , Boutonniere deformity, to learn more click
Lung fibrosis


Diagnosis can be made based on American Rheumatism Association Criteria:
1) Morning stiffness >1 hour for 6 weeks or more
2) Swelling of at least 3 joints for 6 weeks or more
3) Swelling of wrist, MCP,PIP joints for 6 weeks or more
4) Symmetrical joints pain for 6 weeks or more
5) Subcutaneous nodules
6) +ve RF
7) Classical X ray appearance ( periarticular osteopenia)

Four or more out of seven criteria above, the diagnosis can be made


Rheumatoid factor (RF)- however this is not specific, it can be positive in normal population ( false postive)
FBC- anaemia- Remember 4 causes of anaemia in RA- Chronic illness, Felty syndrome, Drug-induced (anaemia due to UGIB, secondary to gold, methotraxate)
Xray- lung ( fibrosis), hand, cervical ( subluxation)


Disease modifying drugs such as sulphasalazine, methotraxate, gold
Latest drugs such as etanercept and infliximab- popular questions in MRCP, click here to learn more!

Tips for MRCP

1) Remember the side effects of drugs used to treat RA including etanercept and infliximab!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Sarcoidosis in MRCP


Sarcoidosis is always a popular question in respiratory section in MRCP. It was first described by a London surgeon-dermatologist, Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson in 1877. The doctor described the findings of a 50 year-old man who had large purple skin plaques on the hands and feet and a 64-year-old woman with large purple patches on her face and arms. You must remember that Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease with unknown origin, however, in MRCP, two popular systems which are frequently asked are skin and lung.

Clinical Presentations

Usually asymptomatic, however patient may have constitutional symptoms such as fever, malaise and weight loss. Majority of patients have respiratory symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath.
Popular skin condition ( always asked in MRCP) associated with sarcoidosis is Erythema nodusom. Pateints may have arthralgia or bone pain.
Eyes-painful eyes, dry eyes
Other-dry mouth, hepatomegaly


They would usually show show you a CXR in MRCP
Remember that 90% of CXRs have bilateral hilar LN enlargement. More advanced case may have diffuse fibrosis!

Serum Calcium-raised
Serum ACE-raised
Lung function test may show obstructive changes


Diagnosis can be made by lung biopsy-granuloma! Remember that serum ACE is not specific nor sensitive.


The main treatment for sarcoidosis is prednisone. Prednisone is a corticosteroid, or anti-inflammatory drug. Sometimes it is used with other drugs. Sometimes other corticosteroids are used.

Tips for MRCP

1) If you are asked about a patient with painful skin lesions over shin area with dry cough, always think of sarcoidosis.

2) A patient with high calcium level and dry cough , think of sarcoidosis although there is possibility of lung cancer with bone metastasis!

Monday, August 21, 2006

MRCP Part 1-Mock Exam (2)

MRCP Part 1 Questions

Here are some questions for MRCP Part 1, take the test and look at the answers later!

1)Ostium secundum ASD is associated with
A tricuspid regurgitation
B left bundle branch block
C fixed splitting of the second heart sound
D onset of atrial fibrillation in the second decade
E early onset of heart failure in the second decade

2)A 34 year old male presents with episodes of breathlessness on exertion. Examination reveals a loud P2 and fixed splitting of the second sound. Which of the following may be responsible for these signs?
1 ) Maternal chicken pox infection 2 ) Maternal thalidomide therapy
3 ) 47 XXY karyotype 4 ) Homocystinuria 5 ) Excess maternal alcohol consumption

3)A 35-year-old healthy woman has a faint systolic murmur on physical examination. An echocardiogram is performed, and she is found to have a bicuspid aortic valve. In explaining the meaning of this finding to her, the most appropriate statement is that?

1 ) An aortic valve replacement is eventually likely to be required.
2 ) Other family members are likely to have the same condition
3 ) She should be treated with a cholesterol-lowering agent
4 ) The problem resulted from past injection drug usage
5 ) This is one manifestation of an underlying autoimmune disease process

4) A 24-year-old woman develops infective endocarditis involving the aortic valve. She receives a porcine bioprosthesis because of her desire to have children and not to take anticoagulantmedication. After ten years, she must have this prosthetic valve replaced. Which of the following pathologic findings in the bioprosthesis has most likely led to the need for replacement?
1 ) Calcification with stenosis
2 ) Dehiscence
3 ) Infective endocarditis
4 ) Strut failure
5 ) Thrombosis

5) The following can cause bradycardia: EXCEPT
A hypothermia B hypothyroidism C severe anaemia D subdural haematoma E shock

6)The following are recognised causes of reversible dilated cardiomyopathy:- EXCEPT
A alcohol B Selenium deficiency C Acromegaly D Lead poisoning E Coxsackie virus

7) Which of the following concerning congenital heart disease is correct?
1 ) ASD is the commonest malformation at birth
2 ) congenital complete heart block is usually associated with Anti-Ro antibodies in the mother 3 ) Ebstein's anomaly is associated with maternal exposure to lithium carbonate
4 ) Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is characterised by a large, dilated left ventricle
5 ) Osteogenesis imperfecta is associated with aortic stenosis

8) Coarctation of the aorta is: EXCEPT
A usually congenital but may be aquired
B recognised by absent or delayed femoral pulses
C a common cause of heart failure in infancy but an uncommon cause of hypertension in adults D associated with an increased incidence of an aortic bicuspid valve
E a cause of left to right shunting of blood

9)A 65-year-old woman, a heavy smoker for many years, has had worsening dyspnoea for the past 5 years, without a significant cough. A chest X-ray shows increased lung size along with flattening of the diaphragms, consistent with emphysema. Over the next several years she develops worsening peripheral oedema. BP 115/70 mmHg. Which of the following cardiac findings is most likely to be present?
1 ) Constrictive pericarditis 2 ) Left ventricular aneurysm 3 ) Mitral valve stenosis
4 ) Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis 5 ) Right ventricular hypertrophy

10)Increased pulmonary vascular markings on chest x-ray are a recognized feature of:
A Pulmonary stenosis
B Mitral stenosis
C Persistent ductus arteriosus
D Primary pulmonary hypertension
E chronic constrictive pericarditis

11) A 59-year-old man who was active all his life develops sudden severe anterior chest pain that radiates to his back. Within minutes, he is unconscious. He has a history of hypertension, but a recent treadmill test had revealed no evidence for cardiac disease. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
1 ) Acute myocardial infarction
2 ) Group A streptococcal infection
3 ) Pulmonary embolus
4 ) Right middle cerebral artery embolus
5 ) Tear in the aortic intima

12)Low T waves on an ECG are seen in:
A hyperkalaemia B hypercalcaemia C athletes D pericardial effusion E myelodysplasia

13)A 56 year old male with left ventricular systolic dysfunction was dyspnoeic on climbing stairs but not at rest. The patient was commenced on ramipril and frusemide.
Which one of the following drugs would improve the patient's prognosis?
1 ) Amiodarone 2 ) Amlodipine 3 ) Bisoprolol 4 ) Digoxin 5 ) Nitrate therapy

14) A 70-year-old male is referred by his GP for management of recently diagnosed congestive heart failure. The patient has a history of poorly controlled hypertension. Over the last three months he has been aware of deteriorating shortness of breath, fatigue, and orthopnea. Over the last month he had been commenced on Digoxin (62.5 micrograms daily), Frusemide (80 mg daily), and amiloride 10 mg.
On examination he has a pulse of 96 bpm regular, a blood pressure of 132/88 mmHg. His JVP was not raised, he had some scattered bibasal crackles on auscultation with a displaced apex beat in the anterior axillary line, 6th intercostal space. Auscultation of the heart revealed no murmurs and he had peripheral oedema to the mid tibia.
Investigations showed: electrolytes normal serum urea concentration 17 mmol/l (NR 2-8 mmol/l) creatinine 175 micromol/l (NR 55-110) Serum digoxin 0.7 ng/mL {therapeutic: 1.0-2.0}
One month previously his urea had been 11 mmol/l and creatinine 110 micromol/l. An ECG reveals left ventricular hypertrophy and Chest X-ray shows cardiomegaly and calcified aorta.
What is the most appropriate next step in management?
1 ) Add an ACE inhibitor to the current regimen
2 ) Add atenolol at a dose of 25mg daily
3 ) Increase digoxin to 0.25 mg daily
4 ) Increase frusemide to 80 mg twice daily
5 ) Maintain on current therapy.

15)A 17-year-old woman loses consciousness while out jogging one afternoon, as she has done for many years. She is taken to Accident and Emergency, where a chest X-ray, CT brain scan, FBC, and biochemistry are all normal. Over the next year, she develops mild dyspnea and fatigue. There are several episodes of pre-syncope. After another syncopal episode, she is referred to a cardiologist who orders and ECG that shows changes of left ventricular hypertrophy and broad Q waves. An echocardiogram reveals left ventricular and septal hypertrophy, small left ventricle, and reduced septal excursion. The septum has a "ground glass" appearance. She then dies suddenly and unexpectedly. The microscopic appearance of the septum with trichrome stain reveals myofiber disarray. Which of the following conditions is she most likely to have had?

1 ) Diabetes mellitus 2 ) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 3 ) Rheumatic heart disease 4 ) Systemic lupus erythematosus 5 ) Viral myocarditis

16) A 78 year old female is referred by her GP with high blood pressure. Over the last three months her blood pressure is noted to be around 180/80 mmHg. She has a body mass index of 25.5kg/m2, is a non-smoker.There are no features to suggest a secondary cause for her hypertension. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for her blood pressure?

1 ) Alpha-Blocker 2 ) Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor 3 ) Angiotensin Blocker 4 ) Beta-blocker 5 ) Calcium channel blocker

17) Infective endocarditis rarely occurs with:
A mitral valve prolapse B patent ductus arteriosus C bicuspid aortic valve D atrial septal defect E mitral stenosis

18) A 60-year-old man presents with an inferior MI and receives thrombolysis. 4 hours following initial presentation he becomes acutely breathless. His ECG demonstrates sinus tachycardia (rate 108bpm) with T wave inversion inferiorly. His ST segments are normal. On examination his JVP is elevated at 5 cm. Chest was clear to auscultation. Following 80 mg of Frusemide he deteriorates. His BP is now 80/60 and his urine output over the last 2 hours is 5 mls. What is the best investigative measure?

1 ) Arterial Blood Gases 2 ) Central Venous Pressure Monitoring 3 ) Chest X-Ray 4 ) Echocardiography 5 ) Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Monitoring

19) The following are true regarding mitral stenosis:
A it is not tolerated well in pregnancy
B there is characteristically a low wedge pressure
C in AF, the opening snap disappears
D loud murmurs if valve is high calcified
E Doppler U/S is usually inaccurate in determining severity

20) The following are recognised features of pulmonary embolism: EXCEPT

A long PR interval on the electrocardiogram
B decreased left atrial pressure
C pulmonary hypertension
D collapse of the affected lung segments
E necrosis of lung tissue

Find your answers here!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in MRCP

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)

PBC is an autoimmune disease. It is characterized by progressive inflammmation and destruction of of the small bile ducts within the liver. In the long run, it can lead to liver cirrhosis and PBC is one of the important causes of liver cirrhosis among female patients. ( 90% of PBC patients are female!)

Clinical Presentations
Usually asymptomatic but later due to biliary obstruction, patients tend to have pruritus and jaundice. Patients may present late with symptoms of liver cirrhosis such as upper GI bleeding or abdominal distention ( ascites)

Physical signs
Hepatosplenomegaly, Jaundice, scratch marks, xanthelasma, clubbing or other signs suggesting associated autoimmune diseases. Click here to see xanthelasma!

Autoimmune diseases such as Sicca syndrome, thyroiditis, RA, SLE

I think the single test that can give a clue of PBC is LFT- you would notice markedly high ALP with raised bilirubin, IgM may be raised.
ANA may be positive
Diagnosis can be made by detecting antimitochondrial antibody. Specificity of the M2 subtype is 95-99%
Liver biopsy shows granulomas

symtomatic relief of pruritus by cholestyramine.
Ursodeoxycholic acid may be useful
Cochicine may be used to slow down the progression
Immunosuppresants such as steroid, methotrexate may be useful
The only cure- liver transplantation

Tips for MRCP
1) Remember that if a lady has jaundice and very high ALP with pruritus, suspect PBC

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tuberous Sclerosis

Tuberous Sclerosis in MRCP

There are a few conditions that are commonly asked in MRCP Part 1 and 2. These conditions include Tuberous sclerosis (TS), Neurofibromatosis..... etc. I am going to talk about TS today.
TS was discovered in the 1880's by a French physician named Bourneville. Remember that it is an autosomal dominant disease!

There are a few important features of TS, these include,

Facial angiofibroma
periungual fibromas
Hypopigmented macules
Shagreen patch (connective tissue nevus)
Multiple retinal nodular hamartomas
Subependymal nodule ( can be picked up in CT scan as calcification)
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
Cardiac rhabdomyoma, single or multiple
Renal angiomyolipoma

Questions commonly asked in MRCP are photo-based questions, remember these photos.....
1) Periventricular calcification

2) Clinical features of TS

See more photos at

Tips for MRCP

1) A patient with recurrent seizure and CT scan shows calcification. Remember TS!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Popular Drugs in MRCP (6)


Rosiglitazone is a popular drug asked in MRCP examination. It is an aanti-diabetic drug from the thiazolidinedione class. Its mechanism of action is by activation of the intracellular receptor class of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), Rosiglitazone is ofter referred as 'insulin sensitizer' because it makes the body cells become more sensitive to insulin and remove more glucose from blood.

Indication for Rosiglitazone

Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. It is usually used alone or combined with metformin

Common side effects

It can cause mild to moderate oedema and should be avoided in acute heart failure or severe heart failure patients.
Possibility of liver impairment
Hypo or hyperglycaemia

Common Interaction

Gemfibrozil increases the concentration of rosiglitazone in the blood by reducing its breakdown. Therefore, gemfibrozil may increase the side effects of Rosiglitazone!

Tips for MRCP:
1) Remember about the side effects of Rosiglitazone.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma in MRCP

Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a very important disease in haematology, MRCP. It is frequently asked and there are various clinical presentations in MM. Candidates must know that the malignant cells ( proliferation of plasma cells) are from bone marrow and not cortex of the bone ( as compared to osteosarcoma or scondary deposits of distant tumour to boen cortex). The monoclonal plasma cell line produces immunoglobulin which is abnormal and leads to suppression of normal immunity.

Clinical Presentations

Remember this mnemonic CRAB
Calcium abnormality - increased calcium level due to enhanced osteoclastic activity. Patients can present with confusion, dehydration, polyuria or even abdominal pain.
Renal impairment. Patients can present with tiredness
Anaemia ( due to suppression of bone marrow)- symptoms of anaemia
Bony abnormality- lytic lesions in almost 60-70%- bony pain

Physical Signs

Usually no hepatosplenomegaly but you may notice pallor, dehydration or bony tenderness.


Monoclonal gammopathy ( usually Ig G- as compared to Waldenstrom's Macroglubinaemia which has increased Ig M)
Bone Marrow shows more than 30% plasma cells
Skeletal survey shows mutiple osteolytic lesions ( Candidates must remember that ALP of patients may be normal except there is presence of bone fracture)
ESR usually very high


Thalidomide- Remember this drug in your medical student books? Thsi drug was usd extensively many years ago for insomnia and morning sickness for pregnant mothers but it was later found to be teratogenic. ( Remember your medical books with photo of babies without upper and lower limbs?)
However, current trials show it effectiveness against MM. Click here to learn more!

The latest drug- bortezomib!

Tips for MRCP
1) Suspect MM if patient has anaemia, renal impairment, high ESR and Calcium level.

Friday, August 11, 2006

MRCP Part 1 Questions (2)

Hope you find these neurology questions useful..........

1) A 26-year-old male presents with 2 days history of diplopia and unsteadiness. 2 weeks ago he suffered from viral fever. Examination reviews that there is complete opthalmoplegia, areflexia and gait ataxia. Which of the following blood tests is the most likely to confirm the diagnosis?
1 ) Acetylcholine receptors antibodies
2 ) Anti GM1 antibodies
3 ) Anti GQib antibodies
4 ) Anti Topoisomerase antibodies
5 ) Anti purkinje cell antibodies


2) A 40-year-old woman is referred with a two-week history of difficulty walking . On examination, there was distal limb weakness and the power is 3/5. Tendon reflexe was absent over ankle and the plantar responses were flexor.There was no sensory loss. What is the most likely diagnosis?
1 ) polymyositis
2 ) cervical cord compression
3 ) Guillain-Barré syndrome
4 ) myasthenia gravis
5 ) poliomyelitis


3) A 50 year old female is admitted with progressive weakness following a flu-like illness. Which of the following would exclude Guillain-Barre Syndrome as the diagnosis?
1 ) Autonomic dysfunction
2 ) Elevated protein on CSF examination
3 ) Evidence of muscle wasting
4 ) Ophthalmoplegia
5 ) Sensory involvement


4) A 15 year old girl presents with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Her weakness continues to worsen after admission to hospital and she complaines of shortness of breath. Which of the following should be used to monitor her?
1 ) arterial blood gases
2 ) chest expansion size
3 ) FEV1/FVC ratio
4 ) PEFR
5 ) vital capacity


5) Which of the following clinical manifestations suggests Guillain Barré Syndrome?
1 ) Weakness beginning in the arms
2 ) Asymmetrical involvement of distal muscles
3 ) Bulbar involvement in about 50% of cases
4 ) Brisk tendon reflexes
5 ) Normal CSF protein


6)A 43-year-old woman develops a progressive, ascending motor weakness over several days. She is hospitalized and requires intubation with mechanical ventilation. She is afebrile. A lumbar puncture is performed with normal opening pressure and yields clear, colorless CSF with normal glucose, increased protein, and cell count of 5/microliter, all lymphocytes. She gradually recovers over the next month. Which of the following conditions most likely preceded the onset of her illness?
1 ) Ketoacidosis
2 ) Staphylococcus aureus septicemia
3 ) Systemic lupus erythematosus
4 ) Viral pneumonia
5 ) Vitamin B12 deficiency


7)Common features of normal pressure hydrocephalus are EXCEPT:
A papilloedema
B The opening pressure for lumbar puncture is normal
C gait apraxia
D incontinence
E cognitive impairment


8)A 60 year-old man presents with a 2 month history of progressive confusion, gait disturbance, and urinary incontinence. Examination reveals gait ataxia. CT brain done is as follow, lumbar puncture reveals normal CSF pressure and constituents. Which one of the following managements steps is likely to be most helpful?

1 ) CSF drainage via repeated lumbar puncture
2 ) EEG
3 ) Intracranial pressure monitoring
4 ) MRI brainstem
5 ) Serum B12 and folate levels

9)A 75-year-old man presented with an unsteady gait. He was noted to be becoming impaired with his memory and agitated at nights. His GP started an antidepressant. He was incontinent of urine. He was a heavy smoker and had lost 2 stones in weight over 2 months. His blood sugar was 10 mmol/l.
Which is the next best investigation?
1 ) CT Head
2 ) CXR
3 ) Arterial Blood gas
4 ) Thyroid function test
5 ) Blood Calcium level


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Guillain-Barré Syndrome in MRCP

This is a popular disease in MRCP part 1 and 2. In part 2, question about GB syndrome would be asked based on CSF interpretation.
GB is an acute polyneuropathy mainly affecting motor neuron. It is usually demyelinating type. Patient usually presents after recent viral/bacteria infections.

Trigerring Agents

Campylobacter jejuni ( usually cause diarrhoe)
mycoplasma species

Clinical Presentations
Acute onset of leg weakness and ascends to the upeer limbs. Peripheral numbness is possible.

Physical Signs
Lower motor lesion of both lower limbs ( sensory loss is distal and minimal)
Autonomic dysfunction ( may lead to cardiac arrhytmia and death)
Cranial nerves involvement ( Miller Fisher variant- ophtalmoplegia with ataxia)

For Miller Fisher, autoantibody GQ1B can be present.
CSF ( Cerebral spinal fluid ) shows high protein
Nerve conduction shows demyelinating pattern
Remember that to monitor patient ( in case of respiratory muscles involvement), you should monitorthe FVC ( spirometry) NOT Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR)

IV Immunoglobulin. Plasma exchange can be considered.

Tips for MRCP:
1)If the weakness lasts longer than months, always consider CIDP ( chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.)
2) Major cause of death in patients with GBS is due to autonomic dysfunction and cardiac arrhytmia!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Journey to MRCP

I came across this saying while surfing the net.....

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.
Hope that candidates who did not make it for the recent Part 1 and 2 know that even most your consultants have to struggle a few times to pass their MRCP!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus in MRCP

Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is hydrcephalus with normal intracranial pressure. You must remember that majority of patient has no identifiable cause for NPH. It usually happens in elderly patients.

Clinical Presentations

Triad of GUD
Gait disturbances, Urinary incontinence and Dementia.


Picture source: e-medicine (arrow- dilated ventricles)

All investigations would be normal except CT/MRI head show non-obstructive hydrocephalus. PET scan mayshow hypometabolism.


Ventricular shunting or lumbar puncture drainage of CSF

Tips for MRCP

1) Popular questions in MRCP are interpretation of CT brain, an elderly demented patient with urinary incontinence.
2) Remember that NPH is one of the important differential diagnosis of dementia!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Autoimmune Hepatitis

Autoimmune Hepatitis in MRCP

I must tell you that this is a very important topic in MRCP gastroenterology. Besides that, it is rather common in your dily practice if you are attached to the gastroenterology unit. It is an autoimmunedisease with unknown aetiology. Usually questiosn about autoimmune hepatitis would be asked in Part 2and you are expected to know how to interpret liver function test and autoantibody profiles.Patients are usually young ladies.

Clinical Presentations

Patients usually come to you with jaundice and right hypochondrium pain. One important pointto remember about autoimmune hepatitis is that it is commonly associated with other immune diseasesuch as Sjoren's syndrome, Renal Tubular acidosis etc...

Clinical Signs

Patients may have chronic stigmata of chronic liver disease. You may find hepatosplenomegaly. If patient is on treatment, then you would find signs suggesting Cushing's syndrome. Patient mayend up with liver cirhosis and features of hypersplenism.


Liver function test reveals increased bilirubin and ALT levels. Autoantibodies that may be positive include ANA ( up to 79-80%), Anti-smooth muscle antibodies, Anti-LKM-1 antibodies and anti-mitochondrial anti-bodies ( rarer in autoimmune hepatitis, you find this more common in primary biliary cirrhosis). Liver biopsy shows PIECEMEAL NECROSIS ( as above slaid)


Steroid and steroid sparing agent such as Azathioprine, LIVER TRANSPLANT

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Atypical Pneumonia

Atypical Pneumonia in MRCP

Atypical pneumonia is a popular question in MRCP,a lot of candidates ask me why we call Legionella and Mycoplasma pneumonia, atypical pneumonia and why they are so important in exam? There are a few reasons,

1) These two types of pneumonia usually present with extra-pulmonary symptoms such as diarrhoe andvomitting.Besides that, they may lead to extra-pulmonary complications.
2) It is suprising common and may account up to 25% of total community acquired pneumonia. Click here to learn more about pneumonia!

A few important points to remember about these two types of pneumonia

1) Legionella pneumophilia is commonly found in cooling system ( air-conditioning system) and water carrying system.
2) Mycoplasma penumonia can cause haemolytic anemia ( cold agglutinin presents in 50%) and may lead to skin rash ( erythema multiforme)
3) Both can lead to a lot of extra-pulmonary complications such as myocarditis, pericarditis, pancraetitis, meningitis etc

Dignosis of a atypical penumonia

CXR may be non specific but remember for Legionella Pneumonia, diagnosis can be made with Legionella serology and urinary antigen test. For mycoplasma pneumonia, send for mycoplasma serology but cold agglutinin test may be helpful.


Always remember that either macrolides or tetracycline can be used. However, add rifampicin in severe Legionella pneumonia

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

MRCP Part 1 Questions (1)

Hope you find the following questions useful,

1)A 50-year-old male presented with acute respiratory failure during an episode of fulminant sepsis and was thought to have developed adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Which of the following would support a diagnosis of ARDS?

1 ) High pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
2 ) High protein pulmonary oedema
3 ) Hypercapnia
4 ) Increased lung compliance
5 ) Normal chest X-ray


2)In malignant hyperpyrexia:

1 ) A mortality rate of 10-20% may be expected
2 ) Elevation of serum creatine kinase and myoglobinuria is diagnostic
3 ) Muscle biopsy may be histologically normal
4 ) The only available specific treatment is sodium dantrolene, which has a neutral pH
5 ) The predisposing gene is thought to be on chromosome 9


3)A 25-year-old female presented with 6 months history of depression, irritability and painful sensory symptoms in her legs. Over the last 4 weeks she presents a broad base ataxic gait. An MRI brain showed bilateral posterior thalamic nuclei high signals.
The most likely diagnosis is:

1 ) Sporadic CJD
2 ) New variant CJD
3 ) Wilson disease
4 ) Multiple system atrophy
5 ) Herpes simplex encephalitis


4)A 25-year-old man presents with a two years history of intermittent tingling sensation involving his left side. It starts in his fingers and spreads in 10-20 seconds to affect the whole arm and leg on the same side. The attacks only last for one minute. The most likely diagnosis is:
1 ) Migraine with aura
2 ) Transient ischaemic attacks
3 ) Somatosensory seizures
4 ) Hyperventilation
5 ) Multiple sclerosis


5)Causes of dilated pupils include:

1 ) Argyll Robertson pupil
2 ) Ethylene glycol poisoning
3 ) Myotonic dystrophy
4 ) Organophosphate poisoning
5 ) Pontine haemorrhage


6)Diabetic Microalbuminuria:EXCEPT

A Occurs within 10 years of the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
B Is most accurately assessed through a timed urine collection during the day.
C Predicts premature cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes
D Correlates with hypertension
E Is reduced by ACE inhibitor therapy


7)A 35-year-old man on regular haemodialysis complained of weakness and exertional fatigue. On examination, his blood pressure was 177/105 mmHg (pre-dialysis) and 150/95 mmHg (post-dialysis). Investigations pre-dialysis revealed:

Haemoglobin 9.0g/dl
serum potassium 6.9
serum creatinine 1250 serum
corrected calcium 2.1 mmol/l

Which intervention is most likely to improve his symptonis:

1 ) increase haemoglobin with epoetin
2 ) increase the length of each dialysis session
3 ) lower the potassium in the dialysate
4 ) improve blood pressure control with ramipril
5 ) correct hypocalcaemia with alfacalcidol


8)A 50-year-old woman on treatment for long-standing rheumatoid arthritis has recently become dyspnoeic on mild exertion and developed a dry cough. The oxygen saturation was found to be 89% on air. The chest x-ray showed a diffuse bilateral interstitial infiltrate. An extensive infection screen was negative and her symptoms were felt to be drug-induced.

Which drug is most likely to have caused this adverse effect?
1 ) azathioprine 2 ) cyclosporin 3 ) hydroxychloroquine
4 ) methotrexate 5 ) sulphasalazine


9)A 70 year old female is admitted 12 hours after taking an overdose of aspirin. Investigations revealed: Serum sodium 138 mmol/L (137-144), Serum potassium 5.9 mmol/L (3.5-4.9), Serum bicarbonate 14 mmol/L (20-28), Serum urea 18.1 mmol/L (2.5-7.5), Serum creatinine 238 umol/L (60-110), Serum salicylate 1120 mg/L (8 mmol/L). What is the most appropriate treatment of this patient?

1 ) Haemodialysis 2 ) Haemofiltration
3 ) Intravenous sodium bicarbonate. 4 ) Peritoneal dialysis. 5 ) Urine alkalinization.


10)A 62 year old male is noted to have a broad-based ataxic gait.This is characteristic of which of the following?
1 ) A basal ganglia lesion 2 ) Cerebellar vermis lesion 3 ) Osteomalacia
4 ) phenytoin toxicity 5 ) Right-sided cerebral infarction