Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells. It is a type of hereditary haemoglobin disorder where valine has been substituted for glutamic acid at position 6 of haem beta chain, caused by a point mutation. You must remember that Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is inherited in a Mendelian recessive manner. Therefore patients with two Sickle genes (SS) or carry one S gene but with concomitant Beta Thalassemia ( SB) are affected.
This disease is common in peoples of Equatorial African ancestry.
Clinical Presentations
Remember that all clinical features are due to two main features of the disease- haemolysis and vaso-occlusive crisis. You must understand that HbS is insoluble in the dexoygenised form and they have a shorter life span due to increased fragility, therefore causing chronic haemolysis ( similar to Thalassemia). The red blood cells with HbS also tend to aggregrate and cause thrombosis, this will leads to tissue infarction. Remember that the vaso-occlusive crisis tends to be precipitated by HADI ( hypoxia, acidosis,dehydration and infection)
Clinical features due to haemolysis
Bone marrow enlargement
( these features also occur in Thalassemia patients)
Clinical fatures due to vaso-occlusive crisis
Bone pain- may cause vascular necrosis
Humerol head avscular necrosis
Leg ulcers
Genito-urinary- priapism
Spleen- initially may cause splenomegaly due to extra medullary haemopoiesis ( due to anemia) but later splenic infarct and hyposplenism. Patients tend to have capsulated bacteria infection and Salmonella osteomyelitis.
Chest-acute chest pain
( remember that these are all due to thrombotic events)
Physical Signs
Patients tend to be pale with jaundice. Hepatomegaly may be present. Look for chronic leg ulcers.
Full blood count- low Hb with features suggesting haemolysis such as increased reticulocyte counts
LFT- increased bilirubin and AST
Peripheral blood film- sickled cells
Haemoglobin electrophoresis- to determine variant haemoglobin
X-ray- to look for vascular necrosis if patients present with joint pain.
During sickle crisis ( oxygen, analgesia, rehydration)
Long term management
- prophylactic penicillin for prevention of penumococcal infection,
- management of anemia, however be careful about secondary iron overload due to multiple transfusions
- folate supplements
Tips for MRCP
1) Always suspect Sickle Cell Disease if a patient has anemia and chronic leg ulcers.