Monday, June 26, 2006

100 Common Questions in MRCP Part 2 (4)

Last part of this topic..............

g) Renal Medicine

57) Renal tubular acidosis Type I,II and IV
58) ACE inhibitor and ARB- know about rennin-angiotension-aldosterone system. Common electrolyte imbalances include hypo/ hyperkalemia and hypo/ hypernatriemia.
59) Acute renal failure- causes and management. Indications for dialysis.
60) Nephrotic syndrome- diagnosis and common causes. Possible complications.
61) Chronic kidney disease-common causes and management including CAPD or haemodialysis.
62) Acute dialysis- indications , also know about drug that can be dialysed by haemodialysis such as salicylate etc
63) Polycystic kidney and possible complications and associations.
64) Renal transplantation- basic principles and common side effects of drugs!

h) Phamarcology

65) Common drugs in cardiology such as digoxin, amiodarone, warfarin and aspirin.
66) Antipsychotic drugs especially anti-schizophrenia, tricyclic antidepressant and mood stablizers such as lithium. Know how to manage lithium toxicity.
67) Paracetamol poisoning.
68) Lead poisoning
69) Drug interactions especially involving anti epileptic, oral contraceptive pills and warfarin. Learn about enzyme inducers and inhibitors.
70) Slow acetylators and common side effects and examples.

i) Neurology

71) Stroke- iscahemic and haemorrhagic stroke. Management, indications for thrombolysis!
72) CNS infections- especially meningitis, common CSF findings. Encephalitis especially Herpes ( learn about the classical EEG and MRI changes) and treatment. TB meningitis- classical CSF finding.
73) Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson plus syndrome!
74) Myasthenia gravis and Eaton Lambert
75) Motor Neuron disease- subtypes and common presentation.
76) Dementia!
77) Common cranial nerves abnormalities especially third, sixth, seventh , Bulbar and pseudo-Bulbar palsy!
78) Epilepsy and common EEG findings. Treatment and side effects!
79) Guillain-Barre syndrome
80) Normal Pressure hydrocephalus
81) Benign intracranial hypertension- Common drugs that can cause this!

j) Infections/HIV

82) Lyme disease. Click here to learn more!
83) HIV and AIDS- common drugs used in treatment such as zidovudin (AZT), lamivudine, protease inhibitors such as indinavir. Common side effects and drug interaction especially with TB medications.
84) Syphilis
86) A few rarer infections such as Q fever,Giardiasis and schistosomiasis.


87) screening tests- specificity and sensitivity
88) Clinical trials- P value, number to treat.

Other topics

88) psoriasis, eczema, and drug- induced macular popular rash
89) Erythema nodusom. Erythema multiforme, Steven Johhson’s syndrome
90) Bullous diseases such as pemphigoid. Click here to learn more!
91) Glaucoma
92) Diabetic eye disease.
93) Common genetics disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Turner etc
94) Basic anatomy such as Ulnar, Median and Radial nerves distribution
95) Common psychiatric disorders especially depression and schizophrenia.
96) Common problems pertaining to pregnancy such as eclampsia and pregnancy induced hypertension.
97) Karposi sarcoma
98) Mutiple myeloma
99) Paget’s disease of the bone
100) Other infections such as Brucellosis, typhoid fever etc…

Good Luck for your exams!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for providing such a useful information about MRCP part 2 questions. Conducting mock exams often help the medical candidates to enhance their skills and makes them easier to get through in real MRCP exams. Pass MRCP with Mock Exams.