Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hope all of you find these questions helpful........ for MRCP PART 1

1)How many carbon atoms does a molecule of Acetyl Co-A contain?
A : Two B : Three
C : Four D : Five E : Six.


2)A Mendelian X-linked dominant condition would be transmitted to:
A : All of the sons of an affected woman.
B : All children of an affected man.
C : None of the sons of an affected woman.
D : All of the sons of an affected man.
E : Half of the daughters of an affected woman.


3) A 68-year-old woman is admitted because she is 'off her legs'. Her routine biochemical screen reveals plasma Na 126 mmol/l, K 3.1 mmol/l, urea 3.2 mmol/l, glucose 4.5 mmol/l. Her calculated plasma osmolality (mosmol/l) is:
A : 271.1 B : 273.6 C : 265.9 D : 136.8 E : 144.5.


4)Which of the following are common physiological findings during pregnancy?
A : Reduced fractional urate clearance B : 10% reduction in cardiac output
C : Increased peripheral vascular resistance D : A fall in blood pressure during the first trimester
E : Reduced plasma volume.


5) The following are NOT used for the estimation of renal function:
A : Serum creatinine B : Serum cystatin C C : Creatinine clearance
D : Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) clearance E : Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio.


6)A 78-year-old man is receiving treatment for a deep venous thrombosis. After five days the pharmacist reminds you to check a full blood count: why?
A : Because of the possibility of gastrointestinal haemorrhageB : Because of the possibility of haemolytic anaemia
C : Because of the possibility of leucocytosisD : Because of the possibility of thrombosis
E : Because of the possibility of thrombocytopenia.


7)You are looking after a patient with established long-standing auto-immune haemolytic anaemia. Which one of the following blood film changes would you most expect to see?
A : Spherocytosis B : Schistocytosis
C : Bite cells D : Burr cells E : Pappenheimer bodies.


8)Considering the identification of cells by their surface antigens, which one of the following statements is true?
A : CD4 indicates cytotoxic T cell function. B : CD19 is a T cell marker.
C : CD3 is a universal T cell marker. D : CD8 indicates T helper cell function.
E : CD56 is a marker of B cells.


9)An 83-year-old woman on carbimazole for thyrotoxicosis:
A : usually takes three to six months to become euthyroid
B : should stop treatment at once if she develops a rash
C : cannot be given propylthiouracil if she has a sensitivity reaction to carbimazole
D : should have her propranolol discontinued
E : should have her white blood count (WBC) checked if she develops a sore throat.


10)A 16-year-old girl presents because her menstrual periods have not started. She is in good health, but is the smallest girl in her class at school and has not yet developed any secondary sexual characteristics. The most likely diagnosis is:
A : Cystic fibrosis B : Coeliac disease
C : Klinefelter's syndrome D : Turner's syndrome E : Chronic renal failure.


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