Sunday, June 25, 2006

Popular drug in MRCP (3)

Today ,I would talk about another very popular drug in MRCP part 1 and 2, the drug is amiodarone. It is used in supraventricular as well as ventricular arrhythmias. The most popular question about amiodarone is about its side effects,

The side effects can be divided to cardiac or extracardiac side effects,
a) Cardiac side effects
-may cause symptomatic bradycardia or heart block.
-use carefully in heart failure patient

b) Extra cardiac side effcets
- hypo/ hyperthyroidism- the most popular question in MRCP!
-skin discolouration- blue-grey in sun- exposed area (photosensitivity). Came out as a MRCP PACES question before in station 5!
-lung fibrosis
-corneal deposit

Always remember that amiodarone increases the toxicity of digoxin and warfarin!

More drugs to come in future posts............

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